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What is our aim for PSHE? (Intent)

At Springfield Juniors, the PSHE curriculum ensures that all pupils gain the knowledge, skills and attributes which are needed to keep themselves healthy (physically and emotionally), safe and prepare them for life and work in society. PSHE education can also help pupils achieve their academic potential as well as provide pupils with the skills to manage their opportunities, challenges and responsibilities when growing up. Here at Springfield Juniors, we aim to ensure that our school drivers are woven through our curriculum as a whole and as such, are ever present within PSHE.

“In PSHE we learnt about showing respect to others and we discussed how it liked to our rights 2: no discrimination.” – Year 4 Pupil
“In PSHE we use a lot of oracy by talking about our thoughts and ideas and sharing our opinions.” - Year 3 Pupil
“I really enjoy learning about different cultures like LGBTQ and discussing serious topics like racism.” - Year 5 Pupil
“We learnt about different cultures and discussed how some children didn’t get access to education which is against their rights.” – Year 6 Pupil

What does this look like in our classrooms? (Implementation)

PSHE is being taught once a week through our Jisgsaw scheme. We promote a safe, open and positive learning environment based on trusting relationships between all the members of the class, adults and children alike. We encourage children to: take turns speaking, use kind and positive words, listen to each other, accept each other’s uniqueness and differences and respect each other’s privacy.
We record our ideas in a variety of ways including written activities, pictures, discussions and reflection sheets.

Jigsaw is broken down into six units of work:

  • Term 1: Being in my world
  • Term 2: Celebrating Difference
  • Term 3: Dreams and Goals
  • Term 4: Healthy Me
  • Term 5: Relationships
  • Term 6: Changing Me (including Sex Education)

Within PSHE sessions we aim to support pupils by:
*Promoting pupil voice 
*Using an enquiry led approach; key questions and ancillary questions
*Providing a diverse and creative curriculum which addresses the needs of all
*Building aspiration through creating opportunities for children to have wider experiences; visits, trips as well as making links to the outside world.


What are the outcomes for learners? (Impact)

Our key objectives for each year group show how the PSHE curriculum has been planned to demonstrate progression. We assess student’s through acknowledging their participation within class discussions, encouraging them to complete self-assessment tasks and also using the school’s assessment system to evaluate pupil’s development and understanding against learning statements. We hope that our PSHE lessons are engaging, enjoyable and help to develop well rounded, kind, accepting and inquisitive children. We continuously stive to provide our pupil’s with skills and vocabulary that they are able to use in their day to day life within and outside of school.

“PSHE lessons have helped me understand different peoples feeling and emotions and how their minds work.” - Year 5 Pupil
“PSHE lessons make me feel calmer because we learn about our emotions and how to relax ourselves through breathing and listening to chimes.” – Year 3 Pupil
“I enjoyed when we worked in a group and discussed our personalities. We shared what we liked about each other. I enjoyed it because I got to make others happy.” – Year 6 Pupil

What is Jigsaw?

SMSC and Emotional Literacy

Content Overview

Parent Guide RSHE


Pastoral Newsletters

Autumn 1 2024:  /_site/data/files/users/42/files/E00385A6DC705862E9A7F5081EAC3E44.pdf


Upcoming Events

October 10th 2024

We will be coming together with thousands of others to celebrate World Mental Health Day.  Children will be encouraged to come to school wearing something yellow (they can be dressed top to toe in yellow or simply wear a yellow ribbon).  A voluntary donation will be split between supporting YoungMinds and school, where it will be used to buy resources to support our children's mental health.