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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funding payable to maintained schools based on the number of pupils who are:

  • Eligible for free school meals
  • Looked-after children or post looked after children
  • Children of members of the regular armed forces

During this school year (2024/25) our pupil premium funding has been used to provide a range of additional support for our children and these interventions, along with quality first teaching, have had a positive impact on children’s attainment and self-esteem.  

Through targeted interventions, we are working hard to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. One of the schools' aims is to ensure that all groups of pupils make good progress in order to reach age-related expectations as they move through school.          

Targeted support is being provided through one-to-one and small group tuition across the school. These interventions support children in knowing where they are and what they need to do to improve their work. These interventions include SpeechLink (supporting speech and language development), Little Wandle (supporting phonics development) and Learning Village (supporting language development).

We also provide targeted support for those children requiring additional support with their emotions. These interventions include Thrive (supporting emotional wellbeing), Drawing and Talking (supporting emotional wellbeing) and ELSA (supporting emotional wellbeing).

We believe that the development of positive play experiences is vital to supporting every pupil to make the most of every school opportunity, and we use the OPAL outdoor play and learning programme to support this.

We also support children in receipt of pupil premium funding by subsidising trips and visits, covering the costs of clubs, and any other costs which will ensure that academic and wellbeing progress is maximised. 

The effectiveness of the Pupil Premium Strategy is measured in many ways. However, the key focus must always be closing the attainment gap. During the Year 2023/2024, we considered Reading, Writing and Maths in all 4 year groups. We closed the gap in 8 out of 12 areas. We can celebrate this 67% success but we will continue to work to improve progress in all areas.

By registering for Free School Meals, your child will receive this extra funding for the rest of their school career. This will enable each school to provide valuable support such as extra tuition, additional teaching staff or after-school activities. It is therefore important to sign up for Free School Meals, and we would encourage any parent who thinks they may qualify to apply.  Applications are dealt with discreetly.  

For further information on Free School meals please click below:

School Dinners page