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School Uniform


Our School Uniform

We want our school to be a place to be proud of,  where we respect ourselves and each other, and where we are ready and committed to learning.  Uniform is compulsory, but children also need to feel comfortable. Our school uniform achieves these aims and is as follows:    

School Uniform

Red Jumper/Cardigan (This does not need to have our school logo on, but these are available to purchase from  if you wish).

Grey/black trousers/skirt

White/Red shirt/polo shirt

Red summer dress/grey/black shorts during warmer weather.

Smart black shoes or plain black trainers

Coat appropriate for all weather.

No smart watches

No prime bottles

Plain, black low heeled boots may be worn in winter (below the knee boots). No coloured/white trainers, canvas/fabric shoes or heels allowed.

A spare pair of socks for Opal activities in case of wet feet!

It is important that each item of clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name. All lost uniform will be returned to pupils if it is named.

No hooded tops are allowed to be worn as uniform.


Wearing of Jewellery

Jewellery should not be worn for school, with the exception of analogue wrist watches.

Children who have pierced ears must only wear plain earrings with a rounded stud as other types can be dangerous.  Nose piercings are not permitted.

Nail polish should be removed – children may be politely asked to remove polish at school and/or fake tattoos.  Fake nails are not permitted.

PE Kit

All children need a set of PE kit to be kept in school.

Plain T shirt in house colour (these are available for a small cost from the school office). No branded tops please.

Black/navy leggings/shorts/jogging bottoms

School sweatshirts will be worn for PE if the weather is cooler

Trainers suitable for outdoors.  These should be in addition to school shoes/plain black trainers as they provide an alternative if children get wet during play/PE.

No jewellery to be worn – including smart watches.

Earrings should be removed for all PE lessons or tape provided to be placed over the earrings.  Children should have a roll of micropore tape in their PE bags.

Long hair tied back

The kit needs to be kept in school in a named bag.   Plimsolls are not appropriate for outdoor use. Most children leave their bags in school for half a term before taking them home to be washed.  Children who require a swimming kit will be sent separate information.

f you need support to cover the cost of any uniform, particularly if your child is entitled to free school dinners, please write or email Mrs Viner, in confidence, at the school or, use the office email