Clubs are an important part of what we offer as a school, as they allow our children to experience new ideas and develop new skills. These clubs are provided by members of the teaching staff, support staff and, on occasions, external providers. We make the children aware of clubs in assemblies and then let the parents know via email. The majority of clubs are free of charge, but those provided by external providers may incur a small cost.
Sometimes, when clubs are over-subscribed, we need to run multiple clubs to accommodate numbers. At other times, we will select the children who are able to attend. This decision will be based upon behaviour and attitude in class.
Clubs which have been available during this school year include football, reading, OPAL, netball, multi-sports, musical theatre, dance, mini-squash and gymnastics. We are always looking to provide new opportunities for clubs and activities.
As part of our Pupil Voice work, we ask the children about how accessible clubs are and use this to direct our ideas for the future. The most recent response in April 2024 was that 86% of the children felt that clubs were either always or sometimes available to them. By deduction, this means that 14% of the children expressed that clubs were never available to them. As a result of this, we are looking at increasing our club offer from September 2024 to provide more opportunities for a wider range of activities. We will then review this offer within our next round of Pupil Voice work.