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Autumn Learning

Autumn 1 2024  


The first few weeks of the term have literally flown by.  The children have settled well into Year 6, and we are proud that they are proving to be great role models for other year groups in terms of their SPRING learning behaviours. 

So far this term, we have thoroughly enjoyed our history topic, where we delved into WW2 and its effect on our local area.  As part of this, we were extremely privileged to have the opportunity to visit Wattisham Airbase.  We had a fascinating and informative talk and looked round the WW2 museum.  We were even able to get up close to one of the serving Apache helicopters – which was unbelievable!  

In addition to this, in science, we have been exploring atoms and their components – ask us about electrons, protons and neutrons: we are experts!  We used this knowledge to help us create series and parallel circuits.  A few of us were excellent at this and, therefore, we may have some budding electricians in our midst. 

We have also been working hard on our reading, writing and maths.  We have just finished our autobiographies, which we really enjoyed as it was fun to revisit memorable moments from our lives so far.  With maths, we have been ensuring that our arithmetic skills are top notch, whilst in our reading sessions we love our class book Rooftoppers – it is a real page turner, and we can not wait to see what happens.   

Talking of page turners, we were also lucky to have a visit from new author, Nazima Pathan' who discussed how she came up with the ideas for her brilliant new book 'Dream Catchers'.  She was a fascinating and creative inspiration for our future narrative writing. 

This week we will be cooking… the ‘Great Classroom Bakeoff’ here we come!  Watch out for pictures.